Leo’s travel journal

Leo’s travel journal and other juicy bits…


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I’m taking a break…

Too much on my plate…

Be back soon…

Written by Leo

14 September 2009 at 22:17

Posted in My Thoughts

Today is the day

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I changed my “Relationship Status” from “In A Relationship” to “Engaged” 🙂

Written by Leo

16 August 2009 at 23:45

Posted in My Thoughts

Leo is back!

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Back from Phuket, it was a bliss! We flew Malaysia Airlines (under dire circumstances of not getting a better flight / deal from Thai Airways), with a fantastic fare of RM 450 per person return all inclusive.

Weather was fantastic, fears of inclement weather were arrested upon arrival as we were greeted with sunny blue skies.

The Sheraton Grande Laguna was great! Got a whopping 6-category upgrade to the Lagoon Villa.

From sparkling wines with breakfast in the morning, right up to evening cocktails, it was a really good break.

More pictures here

Leo is on vacation!

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Arrivederci! (goodbye)

C’e vediamo doppo 🙂 (See you later)

Written by Leo

23 July 2009 at 18:08

Posted in Asia, Travel

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Asiana Club Diamond

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Received a nice package from Asiana Airlines on my recent “status upgrade” on their frequent flier programme.

So, I’m officially a “Diamond” status member (with all the benefits of Star Alliance Gold) till February 2013! This means, priority luggage, priority boarding and most important of all, lounge access till 2013! I love this programme.

Besides the new card, there were two nice luggage tags, a nice calf leather passport holder and a 50% discount on miles redemption voucher. What this means is that instead of the usual 75,000 miles (roundtrip economy-business upgrade, Southeast Asia-Europe) required, an upgrade to the fabulous Asiana Business Class now only costs 37,500 miles! So guess which airline I’ll be flying with on my next long-haul trip? 🙂

Best thing is, I’ve not even flown a single flight with them 🙂

So Singapore Airlines, go screw yourself with your stupid Krisflyer programme.

Oh by the way, an upgrade to the Lagoon Villa at the Sheraton Grande Laguna, Phuket was obtained for my upcoming vacation! Not bad for a free stay huh?

The superb 88-square-metre Lagoon Villas offer a world of amenities for an unforgettable experience. The outdoor rain shower, sunken Jacuzzi tub, and exclusive access to the Grande Villa Pool and magical Peace & Tranquility area underscore the coveted privacy of these two-storey havens.

Guests of the Lagoon Villas enjoy complimentary à la carte breakfast at the acclaimed Puccini restaurant or the legendary breakfast buffet at the Birds of Paradise restaurant, a refreshing selection of lemongrass tea, iced tea, mineral water, fresh tropical fruit, and cooling towel service at the Grande Villa Pool, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres and cocktails at the Grande Villa garden every evening.

In addition to the sweeping living area with modern wet bar, comfortable sofa bed, plush armchair with ottoman, coffee table, and cooling marble floors, each villa enjoys a stellar Bose entertainment centre, a 25-inch flat screen television with satellite channels, and direct dial telephones. With one-touch service, all of our guests’ needs are met promptly with the push of a button.

In the upstairs loft-style bedroom, a signature Luxury Collection king bed, dressed in sumptuous cotton linens and light duvet, stands on a floor of polished parquet. A wall of picture windows frames tranquil water views. A pure cotton bathrobe and slippers, lavish AQUA toiletries in both the deluxe bathroom and powder room, and an additional indoor shower further enhance the villa’s comforts.

Enjoy a daily delivery of warm buttery croissants along with an international newspaper. Fresh fruit and pure spring water are replenished daily. Fresh flowers welcome guests upon arrival, while each night, the delightful “Essentially Yours” turn-down service infuses the bedroom with the soothing fragrance of natural essential oils.

relaxation awaits..

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On a short break.. Be back soon!

Also, a very big birthday wish to a friend who dates back to prehistoric times!

Happy Birthday Marcus!

Hope you’re doing well in Middle Earth!

Written by Leo

14 July 2009 at 12:11

To die for..

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Croissants in the Lufthansa Senator Lounges!  Anyone had croissants and sparkling wine for breakfast? Heavenly!

Written by Leo

27 June 2009 at 2:37

Happy birthday me…

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Okay this may sound quite sad but I’ll post it anyway…

Had a nice birthday lunch (insalata rucola, lasagne al forno and espresso) in Sagrantino (Berlin), one of the best Italian food I’ve had in Germany so far.

Dinner was in Sila Thai, a very upscale Thai restaurant in the middle of Dusseldorf…

So, happy birthday me – a solitary birthday.

Written by Leo

25 June 2009 at 23:48

BrĂźno – ze new fashionista

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This was too good not to post… Credits to GQ Magazine, pictures too!

Hey, BrĂźno, I recently started collecting unemployment. Any style tips for someone on a tight budget?
Times are hard, but if you shop around und are prepared to vear some things twice before throwing zem avay, it is still possible to look good on a clothing budget of about $20,000 a veek. Ich mean, obwiously you vill need a bit more zan zat if you are planning on leaving ze house.

Dear Brüno, is it okay to “manscape” down there?
It’s more zan okay; it is most essential. Be careful if you do it yourself, though—yesterday ich tried to self-wax mein arschenhaller und glued meinself to ze bed. Manscaping ist important, but not as crucial as getting regular anal bleaching. If Brüno didn’t get his schmutziger arschenhaller bleached twice a month, his shtinker vould resemble Dizzy Gillespie during a trumpet solo. In Austria anal bleaching ist considered so important zat it’s paid for by ze state. In fact, you cannot run for office if you don’t have a vhite arschwitz. Indeed, ex-chancellor Kurt Waldheim vas elected on ze back of a prishtine anus. Zere are added benefits to getting ze bleaching—on my last session, mein beautician, Klaus, found ze long-lost head of a David Beckham action figure up zere.

Dear BrĂźno, where should I be putting my iPhone? The wife says the belt clip is totally out, But it looks like a tuna sandwich in my pocket. Anyplace else?
Vhat ein stupid question. Keep it in your assistant’s pocket, obwiously.

Dear Brüno, I am all in favor of protecting the animals, but what is reasonable? I won’t wear fur, but do I need to give up my leather jackets or shoes?
Ich vant to make it clear: Brüno ist totally against vearing fur—it’s too expensive und high-maintenance. I mean, vhy don’t giant pandas have a label on zem saying zey’re not machine vashable? Regarding shoes und jackets, if you vant to be ein Leatherboy, zat’s fine.

Dear BrĂźno, if forced to choose: Dolce or Gabbana?
Gabbana. Dolce is bald, so zere’s no hair to grab hold of.

Dear BrĂźno, can men wear heels? When and why?
Of course. Some guys look great in heels—ze singer Pink, for example. Alzo, mein last boyfreund, Diesel, vas a genuine Pygmy only three eight, so ich made him vear heels so he could give me plow jops mitout me having to bend mein knees.

Dear Brüno, I am shocked by the cost of jeans these days. I saw one pair that retailed for $700—how is that possible?
Zat’s ze great thing abaus ze recession—stores are cutting zeir prices.

Dear Brüno, how can I get some “Efron hair”? Or at least some “Pattinson hair”?
Ich vouldn’t bother getting a Zac Efron hairstyle right now, cos ich am about to change mine and he’s certain to copy me again. In terms of grooming, ze only thing he hasn’t copied me with ist getting his ballensack pierced—vell, he hadn’t had it done ze last time ich saw him.

Dear Brüno, how would you define “Obama style”?
Firstly, ich vant to say zat I find Obama an inspiration—it gives me great hope zat, after years of struggle, someone can at last get to ze White House, despite being incredibly hot. On ze other hand, it’s slightly disappointing that he needed zat beard, Michelle, to help him—but vone shtep at a time. In terms of his style, he perfectly bridges Serious und Sexy…Oval Office und Oval Orifice.

Dear Brüno, my wedding is approaching and I am desperate to impress my bride. What is appropriate groom’s attire for a Labor Day nuptial?
If Brüno vas about to be married to a voman, I’d be vearing a noose.

Dear BrĂźno, when I walk into a fancy designer-clothing store, the sales clerks are brusque and intimidate me. Is there anything I can do to be treated better?
You sound like ein “normie” to me—I’m glad zat high-end stores are trying to keep ze likes of you avay. Vhen I go to a store, ze first thing I look for ist ein vheelchair ramp—if zey’ve got one, I won’t go in. Ich find zose mongoloidische guys such a downer.

Dear Brüno, lately I’ve been digging this French guy Sarkozy’s look; who’s on your list of the best-dressed world leaders of all time?
Zere is one thing wrong mit ze way Sarkozy looks—it’s zat accessory beard called Bruni who follows him around everyvhere he goes. She’s about three feet taller zan him! It looks like he’s dating a post-op trannie! He either needs to start vearing platform shoes or push her round in a vheelchair or send her back to ze agency. Vhile I’m on ze subject of badly dressed leaders, please someone lock Nelson Mandela up again so ve don’t have to keep looking at zose hideous flowery shirts!

Dear BrĂźno, who are the other best-dressed world leaders of all time?
JFK. Obama. Castro. Timberlake.

Dear BrĂźno, what do you sleep in?
In reality, ich sleep in a seaweed body wrap under a Zac Posen Navy-Cut Nightshirt. In mein dreams, ich sleep naked in a giant reed basket drifting slowly down ze Nile, cradled in ze arms of Daniel Radcliffe.

Dear Brüno, what’s your feeling on getting your teeth professionally whitened?
If people vant to pay for it—zat’s up to zem. Personally, ich have never had to pay for it, und ich prefer it on ze chest to ze mouth, anyvay.

Dear Brüno, what is your definition of “creative black tie”?
Okay, off ze top of mein head—a yellow Adrienne Landau printed chinchilla rex rabbit newsboy hat, worn mit ein Cynthia Steffe blue-violet velvet cadet jacket over a Cavalli back-belted chunky oatmeal sweater vest on top of a Cacharel gala shirt in silver, matched mit John Varvatos stretchtwill-brocade sailor pants over Stella McCartney patent snakeskin monk shoes offset by Costume National elbow-length leather gloves, und to accessorize, maybe a rudraksha-bead twenty-two-karat white-gold Neil Lane Infinity Pendant. Simple. Timeless. Classic.

Dear Brüno, my nostril hairs are constantly poking out of my nose, and I’m always having to trim them back with tiny scissors. I’m afraid if I stop trimming them, they’ll continue growing until they’re ridiculously noticeable and flagellating out of my nose. Should I continue to trim, or is there a better solution?
Brüno was the first Austrian ever to have chemo purely for ze purpose of hair removal. It really is ze perfect solution for unvanted vhiskers—und not only zat, ze weight-loss benefits due to ze womiting it causes are amazing! If you’re struggling to find a doc who’ll give you ein prescription for zis, call min—you can find him in ze Vienna Yellow Pages, his name’s Oskar Mengele. He does other services, too—he just gave mein godson Florian lipo for his sixth birthday!

Dear Brüno, my wife and I have planned a Mediterranean vacation. I have never been there before, and I’m unsure about proper beach attire. Your advice?
Nine years ago, ich vas on holiday in French Polynesia, collecting shells on ze beach at sunset in a buckskin thong, vhen I caught ze eye of zat beautiful Pygmy Diesel, who vas vorking at ze Schrager spatel ich vas staying at as an oil boy. Within zwanzig minutes, he’d stolen mein heart, mein vallet, und alzo ze contents of mein kugelsack.

Dear Brüno, I’m a big believer in a “uniform”—wear the same clothes day in, day out. If you had such a uniform, what would it be?
Sadly, the glory days of ze Austrian uniform vere sixty-five years ago. Zis season’s vardrobe essential, thanks to Madonna und me, is ze “Little Black Child.”

Dear BrĂźno, the United States military is constantly trying to update its battle gear in the field. Are there ways you would modify the current uniform?
In mein country it’s verboten for ze soldiers to shtup each other—as ein result, to keep ze cravings at bay, over 80 percent of ze Austrian army vear Dickorette patches as part of zeir uniform. Army uniforms have to change; camo zese days ist ein total nicht nicht. I mean come on, it hasn’t been on ze runvays for over fourteen seasons now! For spring-summer 2010, ich vould put ze U.S. Army in bright pastels und slogan T-shirts, stuff like “Soldier Boy” or “Shoot Me from Behind.”

Written by Leo

22 June 2009 at 23:39

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Greetings from sunny Stockholm! It’s my first time to Stockholm in summer, it’s truly different than summer in other European cities further down south.

As you can see, clear sunny skies with spots of clouds by the water front. Don’t be fooled!! The temperature hovers around 10 – 12 degrees celsius with wind chill bringing it further down to 7 – 8.

Overall, the city has turned lifely! Updates soon! Cheerios!

Written by Leo

16 June 2009 at 23:27

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